It's about time that good luck came to us. Chris got the job up at the prison. He is so excited! Well WE are so excited. We have been waiting for far too long for something good to happen to us. Now all we have to do is pay off all of our bills so we can get a place. We are looking at December. Probably after Christmas! But that is still something almost set in stone to look at. The moving thing is definitely in stone just not the date. On top of our good day, Mckell went pee 3 times in the toilet all by herself. She didn't even ask for help or complain. We just walked in and she was on the toilet singing to herself while she was going potty. So we went out and bought her some training pants and she wet through the first pair, assuming it was a diaper, and she was traumatized. So I guess we took a step forward and then 2 steps back. But some progress is better than none. She will eventually get it. I got a really cute video of her on the toilet singing but then she saw me and stood up and it would be considered child porn if I put it on the Internet. So I will just have to tell you how funny it was to sneak up on her while she was singing on the toilet while going pee. We love her! Oh and today Chris put Deron to sleep in his bouncer in our room and went to check on him later and he wasn't there! He squirmed his way out of his bouncer and rolled underneath our bed! Chris walked in freaked out and said his name and he let out this little giggle babble thing and Chris looked under the bed and he was smiling at him. We should have gotten a picture of that. It was AFV (Americas Funniest Home Videos) good! Well we hope to see you all soon.
Monday, September 8, 2008
Saturday, September 6, 2008
I got a job!
Well I turned in my application to Young Family Dental and they had me do a working interview right there on the spot. I was in street clothes but it worked out okay. The lady that does all the hiring called me the day after and hired me. So I will be working part time for now every monday, thursday, and saturday. We will see how it goes and saturdays are optional. Now we just need to find a babysitter for when Chris goes back to work. :)
Posted by Loni at 4:07 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
A Job!
Well we have decided that I would be able to get back to work if I wanted to. I just applied at a Dental Office right here close to home. It is less than 2 miles away. That would be great if I got it. Chris finds out on Friday whether he will get the corrections officer job or not. It's about time that some luck, good luck that is, came our way. So pray for us! We will let you all know if anything "changes" in our lives. Love ya.
Posted by Loni at 9:16 PM 2 comments
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Deron is 4 months old!!!
Well we took Deron to the Doctor today. Actually I made Chris take him all by himself. I had more important things to do, j/k, I was actually visiting teaching. Deron had to get shots today and I was so proud that Chris did it by himself. He wasn't one for going with me when the kids had to get shots. Something about not wanting to be the bad guy, but that's what mom's do best I guess. Anyway he said to start feeding Deron baby food twice a day because he is eating so much and so often. So here we go with numero dos. He should start sleeping better though. yeah! :)
Posted by Loni at 8:00 PM 1 comments
Mirror Mirror on the Wall, I am My Mother After All.
Well I am signing up for our ward Fall Frenzy. Just to do some crafty things that I never thought I would be doing. It is something my Mom would be doing. Really crafty cutsie things. But here I am just tickled pink to get to do some of them. And I occasionally find myself saying things just like her. Not that it is a bad thing, but I never thought that I would do the same things like her after all. Guess I am just as good as she is. Thanks Mom. Love ya.
Posted by Loni at 7:56 PM 2 comments
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
The Mummy
Well we went to see the Mummy last night. The 3rd one and it was quite disappointing. I was expecting a lot more. If you compare it to the first 2 it was nothing. They didn't even have the same character to play Evelyn and it was bad. It was Lil from Coyote Ugly and she didn't even compare. I would wait til it comes out and maybe rent it. At least we had free tickets to go and see it. It just wasn't very realistic. They could have done a lot better.
Posted by Loni at 9:38 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
I Finished!
Well I finished the Twilight series today. It was amazing. Though I must admit I was disappointed at the fight seen in the last book. I was expecting an actual war or even just a really good fight. I was really shocked by the way things turned out. It was still really good. I hope that they make a movie for every book. I will totally be there for them all. Hope you all can read it. Let me know if you need to borrow one. -L-
Posted by Loni at 9:01 PM 0 comments
Twilight Series
Well I am now on the last book and I have about 100 pages left to go. These books have been really good. I totally recommend them to anyone who has no life like me and sits at home all day. I read them in about 2 weeks. That is about 2000 pages give or take a few hundred. They have been amazing though. I am way excited about the movie coming out in November. You can bet that I will be there in line with all the other crazy females waiting to see it. Though I will claim that I am not as obsessed as some women I have been reading about on the internet. I don't belong to the Edward and Bella website fan club junk. I just enjoyed reading them. Anyway if you haven't read them yet then I suggest a good book series for ya. -L-
Posted by Loni at 10:25 AM 3 comments
Friday, August 15, 2008
So lately I have been working out really hard and I decided I would try the punching bag because I remember always getting a really good workout. So I started it a couple of days ago and I haven't been able to find my gloves. My hands are killing me. I feel like a crippled old woman. But I must say, I have lost more weight and hopefully I will break my goal. That would be awesome. But just a word to the wise....wear gloves so you don't hurt yourself. Love
Posted by Loni at 10:34 PM 2 comments
Little Accidents
Well my phone is broke. I am not going to describe the pain that it went through in our accident we had at home but no one will be able to get a hold of me until I get a new one. Which won't be until the end of the month and into next month. So if you really need me call mom and she will tell you how to get in touch with me. Until then we will wait to talk to everyone later. Hope everyone is well.
Posted by Loni at 3:17 PM 2 comments
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Having summer fun!
Well here they are. Our little rug-rats. We love them so much. We have been having so much fun this summer that we haven't gotten on and posted in a while. Mckell enjoys going to the park and running around the house. She has learned to open and put dvd's in and it is a nightmare. Deron enjoys watching how crazy we all are. Chris passed his p.o.s.t. test with an average of 92. So he did awesome. He had to get a 70 to pass and the average is only in the 80's so he did great and we are so proud of him. Loni is keeping busy just being a mom. We have been talking about going back to work and trying to figure out the car situation. She has also lost all her baby weight and is now working on getting back to her normal weight before babies. Good luck!. We love you all :)
Posted by Loni at 9:21 AM 1 comments
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Getting Bigger!
Posted by Loni at 11:00 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Derons growing up!
Well here we are almost 3 weeks from birth. He has gained 2 lbs. and has grown 2 inches. If we keep it up like this we may be in BIG trouble. Perhaps Deron was the right name after all!! He is such a joy to have around. He really is a good baby. He's getting up 3 times in the night right now but it's too soon to see a schedule. Though it would be nice if he started sleeping through the night like his sister did. He eats like crazy and poops like it too. We try to catch pictures of him when he's smiling but we haven't been able to do that yet but he has the true rindy smile where only one corner of his mouth works. You know what I mean? Anyway, we love him and can't wait to get more great pictures. Mckell is really cut with him. She is always petting his head and kissing him. We will have to sneak a few pics to show everyone.
Posted by Loni at 3:31 PM 4 comments
Saturday, April 26, 2008
Introducing Deron Christopher Shepherd!
Well here he is. Deron Christopher Shepherd! He made it home with us and he is doing great. Mckell loves her baby brother, and likes to rub his head. He doesn't have much hair but what he does have is blonde and it is really thick. We hope that we can see you all soon so you can see how great he is.
He came out ready to eat and hasn't stopped sucking on some object or another. He only lost 5 oz. in the hospital and has already gained it back since.
Deron looks just like his dad. He has his lips and big blue eyes. Believe it or not he looks nothing like this picture anymore. At least to me.
This is just seconds after he joined us in this world. He was covered in junk but still the cutest thing alive.
Posted by Loni at 7:33 PM 1 comments
Monday, April 14, 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Hard to believe we've gone from picture (a) to picture (b). Oh how they grow. The only thing that hasn't changed is Mckells wonderful hairstyle. She must get it from her father!
Posted by Loni at 12:02 PM 2 comments
Friday, March 28, 2008
Look Who We Met!
Posted by Loni at 8:52 PM 1 comments
Happy Easter
Posted by Loni at 2:10 PM 2 comments
Our Blog
Well we will have to see how this goes. I hope that I can do this right and it won't look dumb or anything. I will try to put some pictures on here. Enjoy.
Posted by Loni at 10:50 AM 2 comments
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Hey lon,
I started this for you. Change it up however you want...hopefully it works for you!!!
Posted by Loni at 8:56 PM 0 comments